Our Story

Who We are

It Starts with Why

Our planet needs GreenRocket

“For far too long we have ignored nature’s capacity to transform our lives in seconds, but we no longer can. Heatwaves, floods, hurricanes, droughts, wildfires are increasing in frequency and intensity across the globe. Untold numbers of humans, animals and ecosystems have endured the costs. The time to act on climate change is now.”

CEO & Co-founder, Plan A

“No Sustainability without Greentech”

As the world recovers from COVID-19, investors will not lose sight of sustainability. The trend of ESG issues is becoming more central to investing, and business decisions will accelerate. This is already happening.

However, the future of our planet is often viewed through a negative lens of scarcity, waste, and worry. But we imagine something different. We believe that the problems facing our planet can be solved using our most precious human resources: ingenuity, commitment, and action.

At Greenrocket, we approach planetary issues with optimism, curiosity, and entrepreneurial grit. We have seen firsthand what’s possible when we back the best entrepreneurs in Greentech from idea to implementation. Our goal is to create a more connected and effective Green business sector that attracts more dreamers, doers, and dollars.

We envision a future with more access, equity, and community, leading to better health and better lives for people around the world and our ecosystem. We see that future clearly and can make it a reality. In fact, we are already building it with every entrepreneur, startup, and new solution providing us with another way forward. And we can do this on a large scale.

Our MIssion

Our mission is to found a group of Eco Warrior

Greenrocket is a training firm, incubator, accelerator, and community builder for Greentech in Thailand. Our customers include corporate, SMEs, and Greentech startups seeking to develop their businesses in line with the ecological transition trend.

We work in collaboration with a global network of Greentech incubators, with a mission to help corporations create their own Greentech startups and spin them off as new high-performance business units.

Greenrocket incubates and accelerates Greentech startups who choose to establish themselves in Thailand as a sandbox market. We facilitate the entire process of business launch, protect intellectual property, and help these startups find impact investors in major Greentech competition stages.

Furthermore, we serve as a hub for the Greentech community, providing assistance and a network for startups seeking to complete their projects. We are also an investor hub for Thai and foreign investors (in collaboration with multi-chamber of commerce) looking to invest in green businesses for a better future.

Our mission

Accelerating Change, Reducing Emissions: From Idea to Action 

From day one, Greenrocket has been dedicated to helping corporations and entrepreneurs bring their ambition to change the world and save our planet to fruition.

Greenrocket’s mission is to gather people who want to be a part of the solution to global issues. We strive to provide the best environment for Greentech startup seeds to flourish in the challenging world.

To achieve this goal, Greenrocket brings together over 100 consultants from diverse fields of business and science, all working toward a common mission: to accelerate the growth of Greentech businesses and replace traditional business models at lightning speed.

We also help companies manage their businesses sustainably by transforming operational insights into positive business results.

In addition, we empower companies and investors who seek to create a more efficient and sustainable infrastructure by partnering with industry-leading companies with unique visions for building successful sustainable technology and infrastructure businesses.

It’s time to transform the future of our planet, and we believe that Greentech is an essential ingredient in achieving sustainability.

Our Story

When Greentech is the way to express love for humanity and the planet

GreenRocket was founded by a group of individuals who are passionate about sustainability, equality, and a brighter future. As founders of a greentech company, their main focus is to accelerate the green transformation of corporations and startups.

In 2013, Pakpoum Mahasith, also known as Bobby, founded Ecolotech with a vision to bring new technology and business concepts to replace current industries that continue to pollute the planet and exacerbate inequality. His work offers solutions that can have a global impact. Ecolotech is known by many media outlets as a unique company that provides hope and the right direction for a better, greener future.

After 10 years of research, invention, and market testing, Bobby decided to dedicate his knowledge to helping corporations and startups solve the planet’s issues. His aim is to spread sustainability ideas wider and accelerate change with Greentech. He teamed up with a group of friends and experts from different industries to found GreenRocket, which has the unique asset of 10 years of knowledge, experience, and failures to implement Greentech solutions in the field.


Every day, our planet is being harmed by 8 billion humans, and we do not yet have new technology to replace the old, polluting ones. The situation is becoming increasingly disastrous and risks becoming chaotic in the coming years. For us, Greentech could be the ultimate solution to accelerate change for millions of people and reduce the climate crisis. Our mission is to contribute what we can to our planet by accelerating Greentech’s growth and integrating it into people’s lives as quickly as possible. Hundreds of Greentech startups need support, mentors, technology, and financial assistance to enter the market faster. However, Greentech is not always as attractive to investors as technologies like bitcoins. Therefore, we mobilize highly skilled people from various industries who are concerned about the future and want to make a positive impact. GreenRocket has become the hub where people can come to support new technological advances.


By 2023, GreenRocket plans to establish an overseas office in Singapore to work closely with Greentech networks from San Francisco and Paris (where Bobby lives, as he is a dual citizen of France and Thailand).

By 2024, GreenRocket plans to affiliate with the Greentech incubator network in France, Germany, Singapore, the USA, Sweden, Australia, and other countries. This partnership aims to accelerate Greentech startups into the market by using Thailand as the first sandbox market to make a provable transaction and find investments from impact investors around Asia.

The GreenRocket brand name is always associated with a green weapon to accelerate change, using creative and technological methods based on long experience, delivered with unquestionable integrity, as well as high returns on funds and sustainable investment. Its team of consultants includes members who are equally dedicated to helping clients achieve genuine success in sustainability, quickly, strategically, and reliably.

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